UnlockedMaps: Visualizing Real-Time Accessibility of Urban Rail Transit Using a Web-Based Map


Current web-based maps do not provide visibility into real-time elevator outages at urban rail transit stations, disenfranchising commuters (e.g., wheelchair users) who rely on functioning elevators at transit stations. In this paper, we demonstrate UnlockedMaps, an open-source and open-data web-based map that visualizes the real-time accessibility of urban rail transit stations in six North American cities, assisting users in making informed decisions regarding their commute. Specifcally, UnlockedMaps uses a map to display transit stations, prominently highlighting their real-time accessibility status (accessible with functioning elevators, accessible but experiencing at least one elevator outage, or not-accessible) and surrounding accessible restaurants and restrooms. UnlockedMaps is the frst system to collect elevator outage data from 2,336 transit stations over 23 months and make it publicly available via an API. We report on results from our pilot user studies with fve stakeholder groups: (1) people with mobility disabilities; (2) pregnant people; (3) cyclists/stroller users/commuters with heavy equipment; (4) members of disability advocacy groups; and (5) civic hackers.

The 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
Xuhai "Orson" Xu
Xuhai "Orson" Xu
Principal Investigator